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Vegetarian diet



average rating is 3 out of 5, based on 77 votes, Treatment ratings

About this Treatment

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Die Hauptbestandteile der Endometriosebehandlung sind Operation, Hormontherapie und multimodale Schmerztherapie. Es gibt jedoch Studien, die zeigen, dass die richtige Ernährung bei Endometriose zu einem verbesserten Wohlbefinden und weniger stark ausgeprägten Symptomen führt.

Ernährung bei Endometriose


Darf ich Fleisch bei Endometriose essen?
Grundsätzlich gibt es keine Verbote, sondern nur Ratschläge und dazu gehört, dass Fleisch bei Endometriose und häufigem Verzehr die Beschwerden verstärken und die Entstehung von Endometriose sogar fördern kann.

Fleisch bei Endometriose


Articles & external Links


Endolotus Miu


Nicole R. Heinze



Online, Willerzell

Romina Scalco

In a vegetarian diet, one consumes only plant-based foods and products of the living animal, i.e. eggs and dairy products. 

Reducing animal fats makes sense in principle, not least because of their pro-inflammatory properties (see anti-inflammatory diet). Dairy products are good suppliers of calcium (see Calcium) and thus a sensible component of the diet for endometriosis (see Vegetarian diet).

A kind FemXX reminder: Any restrictions should be in proportion to the possible health improvement. If you find it really difficult to give up certain foods, and at the same time are unsure about the positive effect of your diet on your Endo, consider consulting your doctor or nutrition coach again. Endo-fighters often have to live under enough restrictions, adding another one should not be done without reason!

Disclaimer - No Medical Advice

Our contributions contain only general information. Nothing contained on this website is intended to diagnose or treat a disease. We are not physicians and make no medical or healthcare promises.

The content may not be used as a basis for self-diagnosing or beginning, modifying, or terminating treatment for any disease. Always consult your physician for any health questions or complaints.

Ratings: From April 2022 to March 2023, we collected self-reported judgements from FemXX Community Members who report having Endometriosis. The ratings are not representing a medical judgement or scientific evaluation.

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