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average rating is 3 out of 5, based on 67 votes, Treatment ratings

About this Treatment

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Massagen können gleich auf zwei Dinge abzielen. Zum einen können sie rein entspannend ausgerichtet sein, zum anderen können sie eher funktional und medizinisch angewandt werden. Beide Varianten fördern die Durchblutung der behandelten Stellen und können einen positiven Einfluss auf deine Endometriosebeschwerden haben. Das legen auch Studien nahe, die zeigen, dass Massagen generelle Endometrioseschmerzen sowie erhöhte Schmerzen während der Menstruation lindern können.

Massage bei Endometriose hilfreich?

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Articles & external Links


Therapeutische Praxis Möckernstraße - Ute Apell


Physio Blücher


Kathrin Billman

Stralsund, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern

Naturheilpraxis Yin & Yang

A relaxing massage helps to loosen the tissues, eliminate tension pain and regain inner peace. All over the world there are the most different ways to knead the muscles. 

A distinction is made between wellness massages, which increase relaxation and well-being through pleasant pressure and essential oils, and medical massages, which have a functional purpose and are performed by physiotherapists. Massages have a proven effect on calming the nervous system, improving circulation and relieving cramps, and are therefore often used by endometriosis sufferers. 

While wellness massages are only available at your own expense, medical massages can be prescribed as part of pain physiotherapy. 

Disclaimer - No Medical Advice

Our contributions contain only general information. Nothing contained on this website is intended to diagnose or treat a disease. We are not physicians and make no medical or healthcare promises.

The content may not be used as a basis for self-diagnosing or beginning, modifying, or terminating treatment for any disease. Always consult your physician for any health questions or complaints.

Ratings: From April 2022 to March 2023, we collected self-reported judgements from FemXX Community Members who report having Endometriosis. The ratings are not representing a medical judgement or scientific evaluation.

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