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GnRH agonists, e.g. EnantoneGyn®, Zoladex®



average rating is 2 out of 5, based on 17 votes, Treatment ratings

About this Treatment

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Die Gabe von Hormonen zielt auf diejenigen Endometrioseherde ab, die hormonell ansprechen und ebenso wie die Endometriumszellen der Gebärmutter im monatlichen Zyklus unter der Einwirkung von Östrogenen eine Schleimhaut aufbauen. Dadurch soll ein Aufbau der Schleimhaut und ihre Abblutung am Zyklusende verhindert werden.

Therapien und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten - Hormonelle Therapie


Auf Seite 69-74 findest du die ärztlichen Leitlinien und konsensbasierte Empfehlung zu Hormonbehandlungen bei Endometriose.

Endometriose Leitlinie der Gesellschaft für Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe - Hormonelle Therapie


Die Hormonelle Therapie bei Endometriose verringert den Östrogenspiegel und erhöht den Progesteronspiegel auf verschiedene Arten und Weisen. Der richtige Weg ist von den individuellen Beschwerden, dem Risikoprofil aber auch von der Lebensplanung abhängig.

Hormonelle Therapie bei Endometriose


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GnRH analogues are a hormone treatment in which the natural GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone) is replaced by a synthetic, ineffective one. This causes the brain to stop producing the body's own effective GnRH, which in turn decreases estrogen production in the ovaries. Due to the lack of estrogen, the monthly mucous membrane is no longer built up and subsequently there is no longer any menstruation. The effect: the body is put into a menopause-like situation. 

Hormones and Endo: If symptoms such as pain and cramps are prominent, hormones may be used to treat endometriosis. Since endometriosis foci enlarge and shrink in a hormone-dependent manner, they can be influenced by hormones just like menstruation. 

However, if a person wants to become pregnant, hormonal treatment agents are not suitable. 

GnRH analogues have been widely used in the past to treat endometriosis. The treatment period was limited to 6 months, and after the end of therapy many patients experienced renewed symptoms. Due to the strong accompanying symptoms such as hot flashes, mood swings, headaches, nausea, fatigue and loss of bone substance (osteoporosis), this treatment is therefore used less and less frequently and only after detailed consideration.

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Our contributions contain only general information. Nothing contained on this website is intended to diagnose or treat a disease. We are not physicians and make no medical or healthcare promises.

The content may not be used as a basis for self-diagnosing or beginning, modifying, or terminating treatment for any disease. Always consult your physician for any health questions or complaints.

Ratings: From April 2022 to March 2023, we collected self-reported judgements from FemXX Community Members who report having Endometriosis. The ratings are not representing a medical judgement or scientific evaluation.

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