About this Treatment
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Die Gabe von Hormonen zielt auf diejenigen Endometrioseherde ab, die hormonell ansprechen und ebenso wie die Endometriumszellen der Gebärmutter im monatlichen Zyklus unter der Einwirkung von Östrogenen eine Schleimhaut aufbauen. Dadurch soll ein Aufbau der Schleimhaut und ihre Abblutung am Zyklusende verhindert werden.
Therapien und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten - Hormonelle Therapie

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The combined oral contraceptive pill (COCP), often referred to as the birth control pill or colloquially as "the pill", is a type of birth control. It includes a combination of an estrogen (usually ethinylestradiol) and a progestogen (specifically a progestin).
Hormones and Endo: When symptoms such as pain and cramping are prominent, hormones may be considered for treatment of endometriosis. Since endometriosis foci enlarge and shrink depending on hormones, they can be influenced by hormones just like menstruation.
However, if a person wants to become pregnant, hormonal treatments are not suitable.
Combination pills taken in a long cycle have a mitigating effect on endometriosis symptoms, as they alter the menstrual cycle. However, despite their frequent use for this purpose, they are not approved as endometriosis therapy. As a result, women buy these hormones as "contraceptives" even though it is needed as a medication to treat their disease ("off label use").
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Our contributions contain only general information. Nothing contained on this website is intended to diagnose or treat a disease. We are not physicians and make no medical or healthcare promises.
The content may not be used as a basis for self-diagnosing or beginning, modifying, or terminating treatment for any disease. Always consult your physician for any health questions or complaints.
Ratings: From April 2022 to March 2023, we collected self-reported judgements from FemXX Community Members who report having Endometriosis. The ratings are not representing a medical judgement or scientific evaluation.